EaseSuite Release Notes

What's new in

Release Notes v1.4.6.6

What's new in

Release Notes v1.4.1.8

What's new in

Customer displays, digital signatures, various enhancements on Desktop & Mobile apps


All Searches








What's new in

Release Notes

What's new in

Release Notes v1.3.8.5

What's new in

Release Notes v1.3.7.8

What's new in

Release Notes v1.3.7.5

What's new in

Release Notes 01/11/2022

What's new in

Release notes 26/09/2022

Various updates:

What's new in

Release notes 25/05/2022

What's new in

Purchase/Minor Tweaks

What's new in

Various Tweaks

What's new in

Files, Jobs, Emailing Updates

What's new in


Revisioning, Scans

What's new in

Sage Cloud Links

Various links have been added when POs/Jobs/SOs are created in Sage Cloud (View Info), with the link taking you straight to the online record.

In supplier / customer areas links are shown on the record and in the search list to take you to Sage Cloud to view or add more suppliers / customers.

What's new in

Tablet Search Bar

The tablet search bar, accessible in the stock screen, makes stock taking easy with large buttons, quantity, and search box. It sets the quantity and last verified date and who by when the tick is pressed.

Tag Changes

Tags can:

What's new in

Outlook Drag & Drop / Files

Saved Search Updates

Saved search notifications have been improved.

Here is an example of typical use for recurring sales orders:

Tag Cross Search

In purchasing and sales search listings in the Tags search, there is now a new dropdown box that lets you do the following for example (purchasing):

The same is implemented for sales orders.


What's new in

Various jobs/timesheets/purchasing updates

Rule-based Engine

We've introduced the initial version of this and will be shipping with some inbuilt rules that can be enabled.

Create rules, such as:

What's new in

Login/Locked Computer

The EaseSuite login form, which if enabled appears after a timeout or computer lock, is now less intrusive. It appears with a minimise button now and may be minimised. The application will also now no longer display until credentials supplied or cancelled (to close).

Bulk Update

We've added Update Field & Update Value to the bulk update option, available on several search screens.

After selecting one or more records, you can pick a field such as status, then choose what to change it to, which will affect all selected records at once.

Goods & Services

The concept of goods & services has been added throughout the system.

Sage Cloud integration


What's new in

Autonumbering (all areas)

Based on customer feedback we've modified the way codes auto generate (sales orders, purchase orders, jobs).

Instead of supplying a provisional number that may change if it is allocated elsewhere in the interim by another user, we're now only generating this number at time of save and it will only appear then. Whilst the previous approach was OK for infrequent orders, in a multi-user situation it lead to showing a number that may not be final and be wrongly supplied before items were finalised, so we've opted to hide it until final, which also solves number conflicts.

Along with this we've left in the flexibility of different prefixes, since often customers use prefixing as a categorisation. Numbers run sequentially per prefix.

The generated number can also be manually changed after save, retaining this functionality, for cases where e.g. a purchase order number book is being followed and they need to match/ be aligned.

Other Issues

What's new in

Record Counts

All grids now show record position and count (searches, sales/po lines etc.)

What's new in

Sage Improvements & Sage Cloud initial integration

Minor Changes

What's new in

Find text issue & minor bug fixes

What's new in

Stock Miscellaneous

What's new in

Usage Stats

These supply us with a number of useful information about a PC to help troubleshoot and individual computers issues quickly.

What's new in

Multiple Purchase Orders from "+" button

Timesheet Approval Process Added

Fixed Price Jobs / Stats

Error Highlighting (General)

When you save a record and there are errors due to invalid or missed entry, affected fields will now be outlined in red as well as have the small cross (and appear in the popup dialog as before). 

If the field is in a tab, the tab will also now be outlined in red with a small cross. 

These changes make it easier to locate where the validation problem is in complex forms and to fix.

Flyovers Info Button Added

Flyovers, which show usual information and imagery in several areas such as when hovering over a staff members name, or a product line in a purchase or sales order, are now also available with an "i" icon in some places. This allows the information to be shown instantly instead of waiting a couple of seconds for it to be displayed when hovered over.

VAT change on sales order lines (breaking change)

The behaviour of VAT on sales order lines has changed to be closer to Sage.

StockEase has now been rebranded EaseSuite

Quick Launch (CTRL +L) for opening areas or new items

Asset Servicing & Testing

Hire Price Rules & Scales

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